Resources for Child Sexual Exploitation Survivors

Recovering from child sexual exploitation can be a challenging road, and it can often feel like you are navigating it alone. NCMEC is here to help. Having worked with communities of survivors, NCMEC knows that feelings of isolation, fear, and worry can make seeking resources a difficult process. There is an army of professionals at NCMEC and other organizations who may be able to help you. We want you to know that your needs matter and this page was created so you can take action.
Download NCMEC's Resources for Child Sexual Exploitation Survivors and Their Families PDF in English and Spanish.
If you want to make a report of child sexual exploitation, you can use NCMEC’s CyberTipline. Specially trained analysts will process that report and make it available to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
“My daughter was being exploited. I knew I had to call NCMEC. I’m glad I did and every parent should understand what NCMEC is all about. Knowing your child is suffering the most horrific pain and that you can’t do anything to stop it is the worst feeling in the world. Knowing we had a resource like NCMEC made us feel empowered, and made a difference in our daughter’s life!”
– Mother of a survivor
Emotional & Peer Support
When a child is the victim of sexual exploitation it is difficult for the whole family. NCMEC is here to help with the recovery process. Masters-level trained advocates offer crisis intervention to families as well as resources and suggestions to help them rebuild and reconnect.
Additionally, NCMEC’s peer support network, Team HOPE, can provide support, empowerment, and resources to families of missing or exploited children from people who have experienced a similar trauma. If you’d like to connect with someone for emotional support, contact or 1-877-446-2632 ext. 6117.
“Team Hope, besides being a life saver and your new family, is an amazing group of people who have been through every parent’s worst nightmare or every sibling’s worst nightmare. It’s probably the first time I talked to somebody who understood what I was talking about. When she answered the phone, we talked for 4 hours.”
– Mother of a survivor
Removing Content
Are your images online? Need help getting them down? NCMEC works closely with technology industry partners to help reduce child sexual abuse material that circulates on the internet and stop the harassing online comments being posted as a result of this material. We can also share resources, guidance, and tools to help you remove child sexual exploitation photos and videos from the internet. Learn how to report the images to the company directly or make a report to NCMEC’s CyberTipline.
Locating Therapists
NCMEC can help you locate and connect to specially trained mental health professionals who work with families and survivors through our Family Advocacy Outreach Network. FAON is international in scope and provides therapeutic services within local communities. For help locating a therapist, contact or 1-877-446-2632 ext. 6117.
"What I would say to survivors is that they have choices and they have rights and a lot of those choices were taken away while you were victimized. Use [your] resources, whether that is a therapist, a victim advocate or whomever [you've] connected with, help [you] through the process because it’s very challenging and difficult.”
- Heather Bryan, Therapist and FAON Member
Locating Attorneys
A child whose sexually exploitative photos or videos are shared online has a legal right to seek monetary restitution from all offenders who create, share, or possess these images/videos. Because the process to seek monetary restitution is complex and often confusing, it may be helpful for you to have an attorney when you navigate the legal system. NCMEC can talk you through these legal issues and help you find an attorney who will work on your behalf. For more information, contact or 1-877-446-2632 ext. 6117.
“We think you’re worth something, the law thinks you are worth something, the American public thinks you’re worth something. That’s why these laws are in place, that’s why the system has been set-up and you need to take advantage of it.”
- Erik Bauer, Attorney who has represented survivors